Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wedding Angel


So... we had quite a 'slight' problem with our photographer for our wedding. We were extremely upset by the work of our photorgraphers (Portique) and were at a loss. My mom called me one day in tears and said that her friend Stella had just called her. Stella works with a lady named AnnMarie who is a photographer and a nurse. Well, AnnMarie was shooting her twin girls for a shoe advertisment and needed a bride. Stella called my mom as she was at our wedding 2 weeks prior and wondered if we would be interesting in posing for her. Basically - she was an angel for us!! She said she would take a few pictures of us for helping her becuase of our situation. WOW ~ She WAY outdid herself! She took the most beautiful pictures for about 2 hours after the show pictures... She will never know how much that meant for us :-)
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Okay... For Real This Time (maybe)

A LOT has happened since my last blog post....

1. Ended my first year of teaching

2. Planed a Wedding
4. Moved into our home
5. Started my second year of teaching

6. Tried to train Bella

7. Went to many UofM and MSU football games (on the same day)

8. Cooked in our freezing cold house

9. Carved Pumpkins

10. Enjoyed life :) (while watching football - Go GREEN!)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So, after my 5 month hiatus, I may be back! Nothing really exciting is happening... besides wedding planning and teaching... and of course painting - but I will try to keep this blog updated a little better :-)

Happy Spring