Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wedding Angel


So... we had quite a 'slight' problem with our photographer for our wedding. We were extremely upset by the work of our photorgraphers (Portique) and were at a loss. My mom called me one day in tears and said that her friend Stella had just called her. Stella works with a lady named AnnMarie who is a photographer and a nurse. Well, AnnMarie was shooting her twin girls for a shoe advertisment and needed a bride. Stella called my mom as she was at our wedding 2 weeks prior and wondered if we would be interesting in posing for her. Basically - she was an angel for us!! She said she would take a few pictures of us for helping her becuase of our situation. WOW ~ She WAY outdid herself! She took the most beautiful pictures for about 2 hours after the show pictures... She will never know how much that meant for us :-)
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