Sunday, September 23, 2007

SEA Weekend

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Oh my word, did I have a FANTASTIC weekend or what!? On Friday, the Student Education Association (SEA) council left to go up to Indian Lake for the weekend. Dr. Oswalt (our supervisor) has two cabins side by side 10 feet from the lake, so we went to his cabins for a nice, relaxing weekend! It was such a blast! Friday, when we got up there, we unpacked and hung out. When it got dark outside, Dr. Oswalt took us out on his pontoon for a little ride. We went for a polar bear swim and it was FREEZING!! Then, we came back and hung out, again. Saturday we woke up and Adrianna and I went for a morning swim across the lake which was about 2 miles. Then, ate breakfast. . . wonderful pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Then, we all hopped into kayak's and went for the ride of our lives! Justina and I were in the two person one and almost died... more than once! We had never done it and we just could not keep those trees from jumping out in front of us! :-) We ran into... correction.... everything ran into us from branches, branches with pokers on them, lily pads, and even trees 2 feet in diameter! It was QUITE the ride! When we got back, we played in the water and then watched a movie. After that, we watched another movie! Then, we went over and ate dinner . . . wonderful hamburgers and veggies then we sat around the campfire. All weekend the campfire was going, so we were there often! Then we went over to the house we were sleeping and played Pit. That got pretty crazy in there! We ate two whole rolls of cookie dough (delicious!) After the game, we put in a movie and we all fell fast asleep. We moved our way upstairs and slept like babies! Today, we woke up and showered and got ready to go :-( We cleaned everything up, packed, had a little devotion, then headed out. It was such a great time, bonding and hanging out!


KDV said...

It looks like you had a wonderful weekend!! I'm so glad you were able to get away to relax, and hang out with friends! Hey...what's up with the icky spider in the picture?? Eck! It looks like you all had a really fun and exciting time! I'm glad you're safely back at ONU, ready to start a new week of classes, studying, etc! Please know you're loved and prayed for daily!! I'm missing you! Love, Mom ;)

Unknown said...

Are you sure you registered for college, or is this just a vacation. Let's hear about the tough studies and incredibly greuling exams. Miss you. Fav auntie Kay

Day-Day said...

I'm so glad you had fun on your "SEA" (Indian Lake) weekend! It sounds like such a blast. Thanks for sending the two questions back. Talk to ya soon.