Wednesday was my Big 2-1 Birthday! On Tuesday, my adorable class threw a Surprise Birthday Party for me! Aren't they adorable?! We had a musical performance (Happy Birthday) by Jocilyn and Antonio, brownies and punch, and games galore! I brought in candy bars for the students and they brought in lovely 'teacher pins', 'necklaces', etc! My teacher got me a lovely Polo t-shirt and a bag of teacher goodies! We played Heads Up 5 Up and had an extra recess and everything! What a sweet class I have - - - they have been so much fun!
What a fantastic birthday I had!! I am glad its only one day a year though!! :-)
Love, LOVE bracelet! So glad you do, too!! Jor did a great job decorating!! What a guy! Love you and thinking of you often! xox
New Blog,please. You know that I need new material. Having a great time here with your parents, but missing you. FAK
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